
Title: War of the Wildlands
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Publisher: AxeLord Publications
Date of Publication: November 2013


Unrelenting war between humans and elves threatens to destroy the forest forever.

A tyrant king has declared war on the elves and will stop at nothing to see them annihilated. Despite fighting savagely to defend their homes, the elves are outmatched by vicious attacks from highly skilled battle mages. The elven clans must join forces to have any chance of survival against the ruthless king’s army.

Meanwhile, a young half-elf is forced from the human world he has always known and travels into the Wildlands to seek out his elven kin. Along the way, he learns to draw on the magic within himself to craft weapons of tremendous power. When war arrives on his doorstep, he must choose whether to stand with the family he has always known or the elves who share his blood.

About the Author:

Lana Axe lives in Missouri near the edge of the woods. She is inspired by her love of nature to write about elves, magic, and adventure. Growing up in Mark Twain's backyard inspired her love of fiction from an early age. She grew up an avid reader and went on to study literature in college.

After eight years of jotting notes and building a fantasy world, she has finally begun releasing novels in her Tales from Nōl'Deron series. They will feature many of the same characters, but each novel will stand alone.

With the release of War of the Wildlands, the second novel in my Tales from Nōl’Deron series, I want to take a moment to explain a little bit about the series itself. It is not your typical fantasy series. It does not require three separate novels to solve a single problem. Tales from Nōl’Deron is a collection of stories taking place in the same fantasy world. Each novel stands on its own, and it is not necessary to read them in any particular order. Some novels will feature recurring characters at different stages in their lives. Each novel will come to its own conclusion, leaving the reader with a sense of fulfillment.
I know this is not the norm when it comes to a fantasy series, but why not try something new? I truly believe the reader will appreciate this style of writing. It leaves him or her free to choose which characters he wants to follow and which tales interest him the most. There is no three book (or more) commitment to enjoy the story.

I have plans for several more books in the series, and I hope my readers will enjoy following along as my characters progress. Nōl’Deron is a world full of adventure and great peril, where heroes and villains both dwell. Stay tuned for more in the future.


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What is Twilight?


  1. The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the reflection of the sun's rays from the atmosphere.
  2. The period of the evening during which this takes place, between daylight and darkness.
dusk - gloaming - nightfall

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