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This weeks question:
Q: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?
I just bought a Nook and at first I absolutely hated it. Everyone is correct when they say the feel of the physical book in your hand is better than having a light shine in your face. I get it peeps, it's not the same. Once I started
Awesome points:
1. I have 297 books on my Nook and aren't getting dusty on my shelf
2. They're way cheaper... I swear I've saved hundreds of dollars. Hardcover = $20, eBook = $5.99
3. You can read in the dark
4. I can look up a word right then and there... just two taps on the screen. I used to have a computer near me and google them.
5. You also have google translater that's easily accessible. It's needed for books like Perfect Chemistry. (I don't know any Spanish)
6. You can bookmark anything you want so tons of paper won't stick out of your book.
7. I can check my Facebook, email, twitter, blog, ANYTHING if I forget something in the middle of a book.
8. The newer Nooks can also support Kindle... so it's two formats in one.
9. I can easily find sentences through out the book so it's faster to find my favorite scene and re-read it (I do this all the time).
1. I have to charge it all the time or it will die on me.
2. If it's low battery then you can't read it and have to wait. (it's limited time reading)
3. The library doesn't have a huge library of eBooks if I want to rent it instead of buying.
That's really it. I support eBooks WAY more than paperbacks and hardcovers.

I have a kindle and I love it to pieces.
I used to use my ipad for e-reading, but the paper-alike screen on the kindle won me over pretty fast :D and my eyes are so grateful for it.
I have to agree with all the 'pros', as for the battery mine doesn't need to be charged for weeks, so I don't mind charging it every now and then. I love to have it on my bag when travelling, as there is always a very limited space for books in my luggage ;)
Still, my favorite-books collection is in double edition - ebook and paper ;))
I have the original NOOK, and even though it doesn't light up, I still love it when I'm flying, etc. I also have the NOOK app on my phone, so I can read it anytime I want! New bloglovin' follower. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!
That's a lot of pros to eBooks! I just recently got an eReader myself and I hope I'll be as fond of eBooks as you, though they'll probably never replace physical books for me.
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I have an Italian eReader and it was one of the first that were put on the market, before Kindle came. It doesn't have a light - but I do prefer it that way because I had a tablet and my eyes ached everytime I read too much. Nevertheless it's one of the best thing I've bought in the last few years because I can read tons of books, self-published, e-galleys, everything!
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Sara In Bookland
I love my ebooks too.
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Michelle@Because reading is better than real life
I agree. I JUST got a Kindle (I swore I'd never get in) and it's so much better on my wallet. I really love the HUGE lending library with the Prime membership. The BEST part is our library loans out ebooks. So convenient! But it will never replace the "real thing." New bloglovin follower.
Meredith’s Musings
8. The newer Nooks can also support Kindle... so it's two formats in one. (WHATTTTT?! How did I not know this?! Thanks Julianna- you may have just saved me from buying a Kindle! Doing my research tonight!)
Otherwise I agree with every single point you made and that is why I'm Team eReader also.
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Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros
I don't like paying for ebooks.
But I've got like 1100+ freebies that make it worth it, lol.
I'm a new bloglovin follower.
It's paperback all the way for me, though I do eBooks too. Thanks for stopping by my FF. I follwed back via BlogLovin
Kaykay @ The Creative Forum
Have a great weekend! :)
I began reading ebooks when my bookcases started overflowing. I also like reading self published writers and many don't have a print copy available.
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Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book
Really good points! I read both too :)
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i love physical books because i would love an epic library , and let me be honest! i want to show off my books. but i 100% agree with you about the reading at night thing.. its SOOOOO much easier reading on my kindle fire at night with the light thing! thanks for following! following you back on bloglovin' ~ Katie @ Inkk
I agree with what you said and I read e-books as well!It's just not the same.I'm more of a paperback person!!Thanks for stopping by my FF earlier.Followed back via bloglovin!
Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews
I love how you formatted this - with the pros and cons. The charging thing is a real downer for me as well. I do love my kindle though, and the fact that the books don't just collect dust and I have space for them all. :)
Thanks for stopping by my FF. Old follower via bloglovin.
Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life
Good points, all of them. :) And while I love my iPad to bits and pieces I'll always prefer actual copies. :) New follower via Bloglovin!
Feature and Follow Friday
I think it's great the eBooks have given us so many choices! Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for stopping by! New bloglovin follower :)
K @ My Favorite Escape
You make some very interesting points! My only issue with eReaders is that if I read for too long my eyes start to get sore (but let's face it, that won't stop me from continuing to read haha)
Thanks for the follow - following back :D
Great points.. E books are really convenient and I also find myself supporting them more often than physical books.
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Megan @ Love, Literature, Art, and Reason
You and I have the same idea :-) I hate having to charge it all the time, definitely a downside. Thanks for stopping by my FF!
The dictionary on my Kindle is honestly my life saver! I don't know what I'd do without it, my Kindle just holds my life! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you had a great weekend!
Juli @ Universe in Words
I will read any way I can but do prefer hard copies. I love the smell of books. However recently I have been reading on my tablet and I really do enjoy that too. I just wish I had me a Kindle! LOL.
I didn't know the newer ones could support Kindle books. That's cool! So you can't read it while it's charging? eReaders def save money! Thanks for stopping by my FF and following! I'm an old Google+ follower and new Bloglovin' follower :D
the bit about being able to look up a word as you read - so true! However, have you ever found yourself reading a paperback and you find you are about to tap the word on the page, out of habit? I've done that so many times. LOL
Omg, lol, I've done that many times! Thought I was the only one! :D
I agree, there's always the sentimental factor of reading physical books but ebooks are so convenient...
I have always and will always prefer physical books to ebooks. When Kindles and whatnot started coming out, I said there was no way that I could ever use one. I wouldn't like it or enjoy it. So, no way. For my birthday 3 years ago, my mother-in-law bought me a Kindle, and I said thank you but thought it would sit on my shelf, unused. But I decided to go ahead and give it a chance, and I am glad that I did. It is nice to have when I go out of town, the app on my phone is awesome for standing in line. I like the dictionary, and reading in the dark. and the books are much more affordable. It took a while, but now I genuinely like my Kindle. But still, I will always prefer holding a book in my hands, and turning the pages. Something special about that.
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