
Publisher: Long Walk Press
Pub. Date: August 1, 2013
Pages: 288

From the International Bestselling Author of the Tempest Series...

Set in the tough world of Elite Gymnastics...

I've gotten used to the dead parents face. I've gotten used to living with my gymnastics coach. I've even adjusted to sharing a bathroom with his way-too-hot son. Dealing with boys is not something that's made it onto my list of experiences as of yet. But here I am, doing it. And something about Jordan--being around him, talking to him, thinking about him--makes me feel like I can finally breathe again. That's something I haven't been able to do lately. He knows what it feels like to be me right now. He knows what it's like to wonder--what now? I think about it constantly. I need answers. I need to know how to get through this. In the gym, if you're struggling, you train harder, you do drills and conditioning. How do I work hard at moving on? At being on my own? And what happens if I might be...maybe...probably falling for Jordan? I mean we live together now. That can't happen, can it? But kissing him...well, let's just say it's not an easy activity to forget.

Buy Links:

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About Julie Cross

Julie Cross is the International Bestselling author of the Tempest series, a young adult science fiction trilogy which includes Tempest, Vortex, and the final installment, Timestorm (St. Martin's Press). She's also the author of Letters to Nowhere (8/13), a mature young adult romance set in the world of elite gymnastics, as well as several forthcoming young adult and new adult novels with publishers like Entangled, Sourcebooks, HarperCollins, and St. Martin's Press/Thomas Dunne Books.
Julie lives in Central Illinois with her husband and three children. She's a former gymnast, longtime gymnastics fan, coach, and former Gymnastics Program Director with the YMCA. She's a lover of books, devouring several novels a week, especially in the young adult and new adult genres. Outside of her reading and writing credibility's, Julie Cross is a committed--but not talented--long distance runner, creator of imaginary beach vacations, Midwest bipolar weather survivor, expired CPR certification card holder, as well as a ponytail and gym shoe addict. You can find her online via twitter, her personal website, email, facebook, Goodreads, or co-moderating the YAwriters section of reddit.

Find her:

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What are the differences and similarities between self-publishing and traditional-publishing?

I’ve only been in the self-publishing game for a month now, so I haven’t collected a ton of data yet, but the number difference for me is: speed.
Everything, and I do mean everything, moves faster in the self-pub world. I’m not going to elaborate on whether or not I think this is a good thing, it’s all relative depending on the book and the author. To give you an idea of the timing, around the same time that I decided to self-publish Letters to Nowhere, I also accepted an offer for another book deal with a traditional publishing house. That was mid-May. We’ve done some information and negotiations for this deal since then, but it still hasn’t been announced, no contract has been signed, no edits done yet. This is very on target for the traditional road. Since mid-May I’ve the following things with Letters to Nowhere:
Things Done with Letters to Nowhere Between May 15, 2013 and September 3, 2013
  • Decided to self-publish
  • Edited the first draft, lots of rewrites
  • Hired a copy editor and then sent her the manuscript
  • Got a cover designed
  • Got blurbs/quotes from authors and bloggers
  • Announced on my personal website that the release date and book info
  • Schedule two blog tours, two weeks long each + about 15 other interviews and guest posts for release day/month
  • Received copyedited manuscript back and sifted through edits/made corrections
  • Sent revised version to a proof reader and then made adjustments after receiving
  • Sent final manuscript for formatting
  • Put Letters to Nowhere up for sale on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and iTunes
  • Completed one full blog tour + one email blast/.99cent 2 day sale
  • Hit #1 in the teen sports fiction category on Amazon + top 20 in romance sports category 
  • Completed one month of sales thus royalty payment #1 is on its way
So as you can see, speed can change everything. It doesn’t mean you’re better off one way or another. I know with Tempest series books, they needed time to settle in, the plot needed time to settle into my brain and all the months between drafts and volumes, though I was super anxious to finish quick, actually made the series so much better. 

I also know a lot of authors whose self-publishing process was even quicker than mine. But the moral of the story is that you have to do what’s best for you, your book, and your author career as a whole, assuming you want to publish more than one novel. The waiting in the traditional world can be very difficult at times, despite being necessary and for me, I lack patience and having one project that I could control the speed has helped me relax a bit about the waiting with all my other books. Plus, I just love that term—Hybrid Author. Makes me feel like a weird superhero clone or something. 

**TWO giveaways


--An eBook of LETTERS TO NOWHERE to FIVE Winners.

The Grand Prize giveaway is open internationally, however international winners can only select five of the books listed due to shipping costs.



- All 3 of Simone Elkeles' HOW TO RUIN series
- TEETH by Hannah Moskowitz
- GONE GONE GONE by Hannah Moskowitz
- LET THE SKY FALL by Shannon Messenger


- UNBREAKABLE by Kami Garcia
- BANG by Lisa McMann
- REALITY BOY by A.S. King
- NEVER FADE by Alexandra Bracken
SIX MONTHS LATER by Natalie D. Richards

ARCs of NOV 2013 - FEB 2014 YA RELEASES

- ALIENATED by Melissa Landers (Feb 2014)
- ROOMIES by Sara Zarr & Tara Altebrando (Dec 2013)
- AFTER EDEN by Helen Douglas (Nov 2013)


- Personalized signed copies of TEMPEST + VORTEX (a foreign edition if available can be swapped for the U.S. edition)

- E-copy of LETTERS TO NOWHERE by Julie Cross (if print is available at time of shipping, a print copy will be sent, too)

WINNER'S CHOICE (ONE of Following BIG prizes)

- Basic US Kindle (valued at $69.00 USD)


- $50 US Amazon Gift card


- $50 US Barnes and Noble gift card

*As some prizes may not be redeemable by international participants, alternative suggestions are welcome but not guaranteed.

Rafflecopter Entry Options:

There is only a mandatory option to leave a comment.

There are extra entries for following the author on Twitter, liking the author’s Facebook page and adding LETTERS TO NOWHERE on Goodreads. There is also a daily tweet option.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Week One

Sept. 3rd - The Book Cellar - Review & Guest Post
Sept. 3rd - Reading In Twilight - Guest Post
Sept. 4th - A Backwards Story - Review
Sept. 4th - The Irish Banana - Review
Sept. 5th - Bittersweet Enchantment - Interview
Sept. 5th - Book Breather - Review
Sept. 5th - Never Too Fond of Books - Review
Sept. 6th - Curling Up With A Good Book - Guest Post
Sept. 6th - Oops! I Read A Book Again - Review

Week Two

Sept. 9th - Page Turners - Review & Guest Post
Sept. 9th - Gobs and Gobs of Books - Interview
Sept. 10th - Crawling Over The Pages - Guest Post
Sept. 10th - Musings From An Addicted Reader - Review
Sept. 10th - Sweet Southern Home - Guest Post
Sept. 11th - Mom With A Kindle - Interview
Sept. 11th - Reading with ABC - Review
Sept. 12th - Gone with the Words - Review & Guest Post
Sept. 12th - About to Read - Review
Sept. 12th - Blackplume - Interview
Sept. 13th - Every Free Chance Book Reviews - Guest Post
Sept. 13th - Literary Meanderings - Review


This sounds very interesting! I've never really read anything with a gymnastics setting so that should be interesting....
Thanks for the giveaway!

✿✿✿Thank Ya for the Giveaway, Excerpt, & Author Bio ✿✿✿

What interests me about 'LETTERS TO NOWHERE' is that the story sounds like it has a lot of emotions throughout. 'We' as the reader will be able to experience the ups and downs of the character's lives and "feel" for them. I enjoy a "Good" book every now and again to where I'm able to laugh, cry, be angry and/or happy for the characters.

~Becky☆.¸¸.•´¯`♥ //(*_*)\\

LOVE Julie Cross!! That's why I'd love to read her contemporary book - and I know she'll rock it because Tempest had contemporary elements in it and they were perfect:))

Thank you:)

I'm really intrigued by the story! Plus, I enjoyed Tempest, so I'm curious about the author's other books. :)

I read the Tempest series and I loved them! I can't wait to read this book!

The fact that the protagonist is a gymnast is really intriguing. This is going to be the first book I'll read that is centered around sports.

Fingers crossed that I'll win the giveaway!

The fact that it is written by Julie Cross!

I love that this book has to do with gymnastics!

There's something about a broken soul trying to heal and the added twist of a forbidden romance.

Thanks so much for joining the blog tour! What an awesome event and good to everyone who's entered the giveaway!

Love the cover. Looks like a really good book. Thanks for sharing..

I like the interests me. Plus I love how the cover looks.:)

I love Julie Cross! The story is really good.

Thank you for the great giveaway!
Raffle name: Demitra Giote

Before I read it what interested me most is the genre of the book. I read tempest and I loved it so it wasexciting to read something YA with no super powers. Another thing is that personally I was always interested in gymnastics, I loved watching movies or TV series' about it but I never read a book about it so yeah that was lretty cool :)

It interests me because I don't think I've ever read a book that deals with gymnastics. It'll be a first for me!

I love Julie Cross! Her new book sounds absolutely AMAZING! I would love to read all of the prize books. Despite being 20, teen fiction books will always be the best books to me.

Ooh, 'Teeth'! I've been wanting to read 'Teeth' for ages.

I absolutely love Julie Cross, and I've been wanting to read Alienated for a while :)

As soon as I saw it was about a gymnast, I knew I had to read it. I was a gymnast as a kid/teenager and I loved it. I competed a little bit, but due to the fact that my family was on the poorer end of the spectrum, I couldn't get into it as much as I wanted. Now I'm too old, haha! This book sounds great! I love contemporary :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Umm, gymnastics? Of course I'd be interested!

it catches my attention the main character seems like she has been threw alot.

Sounds really good!!

Thanks for the giveaway!!

I love reading books and watching movies/tv shows set in the gymnastics world. It fascinates me!

Letters to nowhere sounds really good. I read Tempest and Vortex bu Julie Cross, and loved them both. I am excited to see what she has in store with Letters to nowhere.

I would LOVE to win a Kindle I can't believe this is in the giveaway. How generous.

I like the gymnastics aspect as I have not read many with that and my daughter does gymanstics so I think I would find it particularily interesting

Sounds like a good read.

Thanks for the giveaway!! Love the cover. Looks like a really good book.

I was a gymnast. I love gymnastics and just overall the story looks amazing! :)

I love a book that pulls at your heart strings and this seems to do that. One of my closest friends lost his parents young and struggled. this sounds like a great story.

It sounds like a good book. Plus the whole gymnastics is a whole new point of view from what I usually read

I'd love to read it just based on having read and loved the Tempest series!

Sounds like a great book! Can't wait to read. Thanks for the giveaway :)

sounds like a very interesting read

I am a true reader so I am truly excited! Thank you for the giveaway!!

My secret addiction is to reading about and watching shows/movies about gymnastics&dancing. I have never been that graceful and was a tomboy when I was younger. Now as a Mom, I'm the only female in a house of six.
The book sounds like it will fit right in my secret girl world, lol.
Thanks for such an awesome giveaway opportunity 8) Michelle Hofacker

The story sounds interesting. Living with someone, but not being able to show them how you feel.

It's about a gymnastics atmosphere, and I'm so curious to see the author's take on that. Plus the plot with the love interest looks great.

I like the storyline. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

I think the book is addressing some serious issues! Falling for the son of the person you're living with (what could happen?) dealing with gymnastics (which isn't easy) and her personal issues? I'd love to read this book

Letters to nowhere sounds interesting and I feel like its going to be a very sweet story. I might be wrong but only reading it will tell. Anyways thanks for the giveaway! :)

Loved the cover and the blurb sounds very interesting.

Looks interesting :) Thanks for the giveaway!

I was hooked from that very first line: "I've gotten used to the dead parents face." I think that's a bit better than "It was a dark and stormy night"! I don't know if that's really the first line in the book, but it was the first line in the blurb, and it certainly did what it was supposed to do... make me want to read more of it! Incredible bunch of prizes in this giveaway... thank you for that.

omg! My friend introduced me to Julie Cross and we love her! I can't wait for her new book now! Also, that giveaway is simply divine XD

It intrigues me that it's about gymnastics. I haven't read many books about it!

Thanks for the giveaway!

I have loved Julie Cross previous books and am interested in reading Letters To Nowhere cause she has seemed so passionate about this release.

What I am looking forward to in Letter to Nowhere is all the potential emotion (looks like there is going to be a bunch). I love books that allow me to connect with the characters and this looks like one of those books.

I've never read about a gymnast before and I am curious. Also I read a sample on Amazon and liked it.

I have never read any books by Julie Cross and from all the comments I have read she is an amazing writer. I need to try some of her work out and what better way to start than with this book :D

Its a different topic, i love that it is about gymastics

The unique topic, falling in love with the gymnastics coach's son, like sounds like a forbidden love story.

Love Julie Cross and the plot of this book so I'll definitely be reading it!

I adore sports books, so that was the first thing that interested me in the book. I also loved that it was sort of a YA/NA hybrid. =)

This book sounds different from the same old plot. I would love the Chance to find out. Thanks for the Chance to win.

She sounds just like me. Would love to found out what happened between them! :]
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Marijana Sitar

I love the idea of this book! been a Julie cross fan since I participated in the Tempest book relay. Soooo gonna blog about this big time! Follow me at

I'd have to say the fact that she's living with the guy she might be in love with!
That is always an interesting situation... hehe

Oh, I love books about gymnastics, and the idea of her living with a way-too-hot boy sounds very... intriguing ;) Thanks a lot for the giveaway, it's the best I've ever seen,
Jasmine :)

I'm interested in the Hybrid Author concept, and the gymnastics setting.

Book sounds very interesting would love to read it.

Your awesome!

It seems very interesting.

Sounds like a great read!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway~

Sounds like a great read, I have never read anything by this author and would really love too!

Tammy Dalley

Looks like an interesting book. I love gymnastics! That is something you don't see in many books :)

I don't normally read books that aren't paranormal/fantasy/etc. but every once in a while I do and Letters to Nowhere sounds like it would be an interesting book to read. And thank you for the giveaway! :^D

Julie Cross's name is all the incentive I need :)

need all *-*

I would like to read Letter to Nowhere, because it sounds like an interesting storyline that I haven't seen before. I like young love stories with a sense of forbidden desire, and this seems to have that.

I haven't read a book centered around a gymnast yet! I think it sounds like a great read!

The Blue cover!

This sounds really good and different!!
I look forward to reading this as soon as :)
Great giveaway!! :)

Oh gosh....whenever a guy knows what it's like in a girl's life, gotta read about it!

Thanks for this!

I like the cover but I mostly like her unsure feelings about Jordan. I want to know how things work out with them living so close together. I wouldn't know how to deal with that.

The blurb sounds intriguing and I never read a book with a gymnastics athlete as the heroine. Should be interesting.

It looks interesting, I've never read about gymnasts. The cover looks great too!

seems like it would be a great read

Sound like a great book. Have been in my TBR.

This book sounds good but reading the description I have a lot of questions I need answers to so I will have to read this soon Thank you for the great giveaway,

This book sounds good but reading the description I have a lot of questions I need answers to so I will have to read this soon Thank you for the great giveaway,

I read gymnastics and I was sold. I've never read a novel set in that sort of atmosphere. The romance sounds really interesting too. It's not technically forbidden, but they live in the same house so it is all the same. I'm excited to read this one.

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  1. The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the reflection of the sun's rays from the atmosphere.
  2. The period of the evening during which this takes place, between daylight and darkness.
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